KinMen Kaoliang
2002, 1998, 1986, 1985
KAOLIANG (特級高粱酒)
Kinmen Island (金門) , TW (臺灣)
This series of liquor was conceived in 1962 and because of the heavily oriental influenced label design, it is commonly known as the “White Gold or Platinum Dragon” (白金龍) which became one of
their iconic flagship products.
Adhering strictly to the use of an exclusive fermentation practice crafted in accordance to ancient methods and top-quality local spring water as its foundations, the result is an intense myriad of alluring aromas followed by a long finish, ending with lingering hints of sweetness and floral after taste.
This series of sorghum liquor is not only a classic but also shows excellent aging characteristics. Many enthusiasts of all ages have come to appreciate and enjoy it on special occasions or presented
as gifts to someone of importance.
More importantly over the years, this liquor series has been recognized and won in many outstanding international awards and accolades such as the Monde Selection and San Francisco World Spirits Competition just to name a few.


Kinmen’s kaoliang (高粱) or sorghum liquor production dates its history back to the Chinese Civil War in the late 1940s when then the Chinese nationalist general Hu Lien (胡 璉) encouraged the local farmers to grow sorghum to produce hard liquor as importing alcohol from the main island of Taiwan caused much financial and logistical strain then. Established in the early 1950s, the distillery known as KKL in short is owned by the Kinmen County Government. KKL is best known for their international multi award winning standard 58% and 38% liquors. The much sought after KKL has not only became synonymous with the outlaying island but more importantly, it has formed an integral part of the economy and a significant role in the culture of Kinmen.